Let's face it, even for those of us that loved the PSP it was a flawed system. Only one analog stick, the fact that that analog stick was actually a nub, UMD in general (ugh), general lack of infrastructure mode multiplayer, the list goes on. Well it seems like Sony has learned from their mistakes and is releasing one of the most exciting pieces of hardware for gaming since the N64 (it's rumored to have Jurassic Park level graphics!).
Enter the Playstation Vita.
In case you've been hiding in a closet because your recent replay through Silent Hill still has you scared shitless, here's a rundown of the Vita. This shining beauty of gaming excitement has a touchscreen, the usual sony style 4 buttons on the right, d-pad, left and right shoulder buttons, a touchpad on the backside, and most importantly 2 full analog sticks. I have yet to get the opportunity to test out these shining beacons of hope myself, but from what I've read they sound smooth, comfortable, and responsive.
These 2 analogs that first appeared on the PS1 dual shock changed gaming as we know it, allowing for simultaneous control of movement and camera control in a comfortable way. It seemed like a no brainer that the PSP would attempt to add this functionality, allowing for a broader scope of gameplay options.
Well they didn't, and one nub on the wrong side of PSP is all we got. If it had at least been on the right we could have moved with the dpad while scanning with the nub on the right....but oh well. Instead we got a system that lead to some of the clumsiest control options known to date... I'm looking at you Monster Hunter.
(Shit how do I spin that camera again?)
Some of the best games I've played (on any system) were basically stabbed in the back from the start because of the lack of a second analog stick. Monster Hunter, Portable Ops and Peacewalker, and hell any of the other ports that came from the PS2 or later the PS3. The system could have been a PS2 in your hand, but due to one design flaw could never reach that potential.
Now with the Vita on the horizon, I find myself almost equally excited to replay PSP games on the crisp new OLED screen with fully functional dual analog sticks as I am to play new Vita games. Rumor is that PSP games will allow the use of the sticks for new control schemes, opening up an entire market of incredible games held back only by their painfully crappy camera controls. Previously mentioned Monster Hunter, Portable Ops and Peacewalker, and a myriad of other titles that I probably didn't even look at at the time.
(wait when did this happen?)
With these games now looking better than ever, priced dirt cheap at the end of the PSP life cycle, and freshened with comfortable controls, a whole new library of titles has opened up. The Vita will be the final nail in the coffin for the PSP, but the games for the system may see a resurgence and actually return to life.
With any luck the Vita will be a raisega to all of the dieing 5 star games you might have missed on Sony's first handheld. Goodbye PSP, sorry but with your big brother on the way...you won't be missed.
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